Ear Infections

What Is An Earache?

Earaches may affect one or both ears, although most often they impact only one. The pain can take many forms, from dull to throbbing, and from sharp to burning. Pain may also vary in intensity, ranging from mild to severe.

Fortunately, most earaches are short-lived. Chronic ear infections, however, can cause irreparable damage to the middle and/or inner ear. For this reason, it is important to have an earache or possible infection evaluated by a medical professional.

Contact your Amelia Express Care provider or seek immediate medical attention if you or your child experiences vomiting, headaches, high fever, or pain inside or behind the ear.



Ear pain and ear infection causes range from dental problems to a repetitive, simple common cold, or reactions to tobacco smoke. An earache is sometimes referred to as a clogged ear, because it occurs when one of the Eustachian tubes (the tubes running from the ears to the back of the throat) swells or becomes blocked. This causes fluid to build up in the middle ear.


  • Irritability
  • High temperature
  • Touching or tugging of the ear or ears
  • Drainage
  • Loss or lack of appetite
  • A lack of balance
  • Irregular sleeping habits


Depending on what is causing the earache, your medical professional may recommend a course of antibiotics or medications aimed at reducing the inflammation blocking the Eustachian tube, like decongestants. For treatment at home, pain relievers include ibuprofen and acetaminophen. These can also help to lower a fever associated with an earache or ear infection. Be sure to follow label instructions carefully, particularly dosage instructions for children.

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